Sunday, January 07, 2007

Long time, no type

Cripes, it's been a while since i wrote something here... i guess i should update this darn thing more often or something

first thing's first... my birthday was on the 26th, and i don't feel any older than i did before the 26th, which is a little strange, but o well... maybe in 10 years i'll feel old :D

Christmas was good, a little lonely considering it was only the four of us this year... last year it was five plus our dog, but with my grandmother's passing in June and the putting down of our dog in July, it was only the four of us with no one eating the wrapping paper... but it was still good... i'm still wondering why my sister and i got a bleach pen form my mom, but my mom's nuts

NaNoWriMo was in November, but i'm rushing to finish the damned thing so i can get it published on so they can send me a free printed copy... and once it's up on, everyone who wants a copy of the darn thing will be able to get it... well, they might have to pay something for actually printing the book if they want a paper copy, that just a little annoying... i'm up to 73,000 words and 287 pages, and i have two and a half chapters more planned out, plus an epilogue

i'll be lucky if i finish before my classes start on Tuesday... i have to finish by the 16th, which is about 9 days away, but i want to finish before that

Well, happy late new year to everyone, and maybe in April i'll start book number two, because i've enjoyed writing this book, even last night when i wanted to cry


song: "Rough Hands" by Alexisonfire
book: "Jewels of the Sun" by Nora Roberts