Thursday, October 25, 2007

Writing day

i've blocked off tomorrow so i can write as much as i can on this new story, which i don't think will be more than 75-80,000 words... i want to get through the outline i have mostly planned out... i don't plan out the end, because it could change as time goes on

i'm not sure when i'll get the chance to edit this story... i want to have it done by about the 5th of December, so i can give myself some time to study for my exams, then i'm starting the giant edit/re-write on the 14th so i can start polishing it so i can start writing up the agency queries

i think doing that will be a blast, talking about what i have to try and interest someone into reading it... but i'm getting ahead of myself *sigh*

so i'll be typing away tomorrow, possibly giving myself carpal tunnel... i hope not, that'd be painful


song: "The Forsaken" by Within Temptation
book: "Where's My Hero" anthology

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

And I'm 1 year in

well, i've been doing this for a whole year, give or take, and i'll probably be doing this a lot more


Monday, October 22, 2007

Back from the SiWC

so i'm back from the writer's conference... it was lots of fun, i saw a lot of interesting writers in the workshops i went to over the past 3 days and took a lot of notes... i also got 10 minutes with a literary agent and plugged my last year's NaNoWriMo novel... she said it sounded interesting, that it was marketable, and that i should possibly break it up into more than one book before contacting them and submitting something

now, i realize this isn't a guaranteed offer of 'edit what you have and ship it to us so we can send it out to a publisher' but it is 'edit what you have and look into sending us a query, because then we might ask to read part of it'... this is good news... and i was more than a little thrilled when she said that 'werewolf novels are still hot right now'

of course, being told to edit sucks a little because i'm trying to write something different right now... but i've told myself that what i'm writing now has to be finished at the end of November, or at least a few days before my final papers are due, and that the edit starts on December 13th after my last exam

in the meantime, i'm going to write as much as i can before i have to stop and write some papers for school, and hope i don't lose my mind


song: "Stand My Ground" by Within Temptation
book: "Blue Bloods" by Melissa De La Cruz

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

SiWC time

so, i haven't blogged much... darn... o well, it's happened before, and it might happen again

the SiWC happens on Friday... wooooooooo... i hope it's bunches of fun... with any luck, i'll get to meet with some literary agent, plug my books and books-in-progress... i think there's like, 3 or 4 of them

and NaNoWriMo starts soon... i have no idea what i'm going to write about this year, maybe just use it as an excuse to write 50,000 more words on what i'm working on right now, or start something new... i don't really want to start something new, i like what i'm working on right now, but i have an idea for a new book

darn my creative brain


song: "All The World" by Fauxliage
book: "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer