Thursday, August 30, 2007

And the world goes on and on

i've started writing a new book... i was going to wait and start it for this year's NaNoWriMo, but i was just so interested in the plot i thought up i didn't want to wait... so, i have about 2,000 words written, and i'm going to get as much done during the week-end before classes start on Tuesday

i don't want to go back to school and so on... but i have to... o well


book: "Emma" by Jane Austin
song: "In The Deep" by Bird York

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Writing news

i think i've finally finished the first draft of "Full Moon Falling"... at 104,706 words and 406 pages

well, i think i'm going to change the margins and make sure all the chapters start on different pages... then put it away and thinking about what i'm going to write next

the first draft will be sitting in my files for about 2 or 3 weeks, then i'll be going back to it and editing what i have so it all flows nicely... maybe it won't take me as long as it did to write the darn thing


Friday, August 24, 2007

Milestone #2 reached

yay, i have over 400 pages!! WOOOO!!

well, i do now... when i edit i do hope to add bits i've forgotten, or didn't think about until later on, but i'm also going to change my margins so they're all an inch around, because that's the way school has taught me to do it... of course, maybe i'll just do it once i finish this first draft, but i have this thing about not leaving 1 line at the top or bottom of a page when it's part of a bigger paragraph

o well... well, i think i'll finish this first draft soon, i'm getting near the end of the story... and possibly the end of my sanity... i started writing this on November 1st, 2006, and it's already the 24th of August... that's 297 days

when i finish this first draft, i think i'll just sleep for a day or two


book: "The Golden Compass" by Philip Pullman
song: "I'd Start A Revolution" by Aimee Allen

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Trying to write... again

so, the week-end was a bust writing-wise, and i now have 10 days to finish the first draft by the deadline i set for myself... it's looking like i'll have a few nights of late writing ahead, since usually i can't write anything good until 11 at night which is very, very odd... sleeping in late and getting headaches from drinking coffee at noon sucks

now, i know i said i wanted to do mermaids for this year's NaNoWriMo novel, but i started thinking about writing something about an investigative photographer getting a stalker, but more like a vampire stalker... it came to me when i was reading something about some vampire tales when they have no reflection, and then thinking that they wouldn't end up on film, either... now i don't know what to write about... o well

school starts in 2 weeks... barf... this time i'm busy Tuesday and Thursday afternoons... parking's going to be fun if i can't find a spot at where i usually park... the city's increasing prices there in September, maybe the cheapos will leave and i'll get a spot at 12:15pm or at 11:15am

and i got a manicure today and have already ruined the polish on one nail... but i got a bottle of the colour the woman used, so i can always do it over... the downside, my nails will never look this pretty unless i get another one... o well... at least my nails aren't too long that they mess up my typing

happy writing, peoples


book: the Key series by Nora Roberts
song: "Famous Last Words" by My Chemical Romance

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Woooooo! Party time!

as of 15 seconds ago, i hit the word count of 100,026 words


one of my goals was hitting at least 100,000 words... another was 400 pages, but i'm not sure if that's going to happen or not, which changing the margins and edits and everything... who knows what my page and word total will be at the end


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Has something changed??

6 months ago, i was sporadic at best with posting to this darn thing, and was bored out of my skull... now, i'm posting from every other day to every day, and writing like a crazy person... have my priorities changed??

well, to a point... i'm writing more, which is good, but i'm not working, which is bad... i know you're thinking, but aren't you a student?? shouldn't you be working to pay for tuition??... yes, but i have money put aside for school, so shush

i'm also at a bigger word count, maybe 40,000 more, maybe just 35,000... i've written 10,000 in the past two months, but that gap had papers and finals in it, and 3,000 of it has come in the past few days... it's totally wiped me out, but you never know what happens when you're on a roll

for all you writers out there, check out Mark Putnam's Plotastic blog, and Paula B's Writing Show podcasts featuring Mark Leslie... 5 bucks says these guys will have published novels in the next 12 months

oh, and i know what i'm going to write about for this year's NaNoWriMo... mermaids


book(ish): "The Iliad" by Homer
song: "Through Glass" by Stone Sour

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My word count is what??

the word count's gone from about 95,000 very late Monday night, to 98,000 very late Wednesday night... that's because i wrote about 1,000 words late Monday/early Tuesday... and another 1,000 late Tuesday/early Wednesday... and now another 1,000 Wednesday afternoon and evening

i haven't written this much is such a short period of time since NaNoWriMo

i think i'll reach my one goal of 100,000 words in the next couple of days if i don't burn myself out


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What 'Full Moon Falling' is all about

recently, i've been talking to Paula B of The Writing Show podcast, and the link is in my blog list to the right... i've been talking to her about writing, sometimes my writing, and something dawned on me while listening to a recent show of hers

have i ever said what my novel is all about??... i don't think so, so i will right now

'Full Moon Falling' is a novel about the life of a young woman, from the time she is bitten and turned into a werewolf, to a point where she's finally accepted what's happened to her, as well as a serious relationship with another werewolf... from when she's 20 to about 27... i've written it in first person, and have tried to make it sound almost like a journal of her life... she goes through weapons training, gets shot, stabbed, and even tortured by the crazed humans that want to kill her and everyone else like her... of course, there's also her dealing with attraction to someone she's not supposed to be involved with, and i worked hard not to make this a romance novel... i want it to be fantasy/paranormal first

if there are any questions about my writing, then feel free to ask in the comments section of his post


book: "Demon's Delight" anthology
song: "Jaded" by Aerosmith

Sunday, August 12, 2007

What I've learned about my writing

#1. people are interested in what i'm writing... proof of this is the current number of published books out there featuring werewolves and other supernatural/paranormal creatures... i'm starting to get the urge to write a vampire book... also, proof is other people saying that they enjoy the little bits i've given them to read

#2. i am going to finish this darn thing before September so i don't go insane, and i am going to book an agent appointment in October at the SiWC, once i get the money

#3. i can't write in front of the TV anymore because it distracts me too much, but i can write to music

#4. once i finish, i have to take the time to edit... make sure everything makes sense and follows a timeline and everything... and this could take a while

have a good week, peoples


book: "Hot Blooded" anthology
song: "Sleepless Nights" by Faber Drive

Saturday, August 11, 2007



my exams are over... time to go back to writing


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Has this ever happened to you readers out there?

now, not that long ago, i discovered "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer, and i found it to be a good book... i wish i had this book 4 years ago when i was heading into grade 12

the book was interesting, creative, and i'll give props to the author... now, i've heard some things about the second book that worry me a little, that you have to read it twice so during the second time you know that it isn't going to end terribly... this worries me a little, because i only read the books i love more than once, which is why almost every Emma Holly, Deidre Knight, Kresley Cole, Nora Roberts, and J.R. Ward book i have is worn with a broken spine... the books i have that look like crap are the ones i read the most

i'm on my second read-through of "Twilight" and the prospect of reading the second one, "New Moon," is freaking me out a little... i don't want to read a book where the narrator's/main character's boyfriend runs off for almost the entire book (if you're a vampire and your girlfriend isn't, you should expect her to bleed a little... don't freak out when it happens) and she spends most of her time with someone who doesn't want said boyfriend to come back... at all

now, i want to read "New Moon" and "Eclipse," the third installment that came out in hardcover yesterday, but i hate getting excited by books only to be let down when i wasn't pulled into the story... i classify a good book as one where i want to be in the story experiencing what's going on at every single turn... i don't like books that make me depressed for more than two thirds of it... reading is escapism for me, it's not about feeling depressed

well, curiosity always gets the best of me, so i'll get "New Moon" when i get a chance, and "Eclipse" when it's in paperback... i HATE it when books come out in hardcover first, then paperback a whole year later... i hate reading hardcover books, the dust jackets are pointless and i always lose them... and please people, don't tell me what happens, i'll figure it out

oh, and go check out the Starting Write Now blog... these guys, and Stacie, are very interesting


songs: "Money Honey" by State of Shock and "Can't Be Saved" by Senses Fail

Monday, August 06, 2007

This is why school sucks



so, there's my rant of the day... i'll probably have another on Friday

i miss writing


song: "Situations" by Escape the Fate

Thursday, August 02, 2007

What to do now?

well, i know what i should be doing... studying for my Tuesday evening exam... barf... not today... or tomorrow... i know, i know, i'm slacking, but come on, who wants to study in the summer

no one, that's who

meanwhile, in the more interesting part of my life... i've submitted something for the SiWC writing contest... i can only hope that they don't hate it... i was writing something, and realized that I couldn't get it finished in time unles i wrote for about a day or two straight... instead, i sent the first chapter of a novel i started last spring, before my grandmother passed away... afterwards, i couldn't really get back into it, i tried to, but it's been sitting around in my Word files unfinished for about a year... i'd be happy if i just got one of those honourable mention thingys

also, there's a new blog in my list to the right, Starting Write Now... it's done by a bunch of different people, blogging about their writing experiences, goals, and writing while dealing with real life... this blog is really interesting, and everyone should stop by it to read it

and hugs to my Jeannie... you deserve everything you want and more, i just wish i could send you those oiled hunks/assistants


books: the Stanislaski books by Nora Roberts
songs: "Alegria" from the Cirque du Soleil show and "Love Song" by Sara Bareilles