Saturday, July 28, 2007

Writing update... number however many it is

so... i've done almost no writing since early July, which pisses me off just a little... i mean, i wanted to finish this darn thing, so i could maybe do an editor/agent interview at the SiWC in October... now, i'll be lucky if i finish before classes start again in September

exams happen in about a week and a half... hopefully they won't be terribly impossible... i don't think they will be, but you never know... this pretty much means i have until Friday to write as much as i can, then study my butt off... i think i can do it... this one distance class just made no sense half the time, but with some luck, the exam won't suck

now, i'm going to try and get some writing done, get some people through some realizations... and props to Wendy for continuing with her script


song: "Bitemarks and Bloodstains" by Finch
book: "Parallel Heat" by Deidre Knight

Monday, July 16, 2007

Marked for life

so, i got my tattoo done on Saturday... i was surprised at the pain, but after a little while it was bearable... like bee stings over and over and over again... once it heals over and peels off, a picture will appear

i've got barely any writing done, because i've got papers to write... i'm hoping to get some done on the week-end, when i have the time... after this other paper is due in a couple of days, the next thing that happens is exams in 3 weeks

how fun


song: "Save Me" by Remy Zero

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

New blog alert

so, there are some new links to the side, and i'd like to go through them all, just so you people know what they all are

first is Wendy's blog, which has been redecorated recently... Wendy's a blast, and her blog is always amusing... second is Lory's, someone i met through Wendy, and is someone i do online RP-ing with... next is Nancy's, which has a lot of pictures

next is the blog of a literary agent i've been visiting for a little while now, her name is Kristin Nelson, and i heard she's going to be at the SiWC in October, so i'm looking forward to going to the workshop she'll be instructing... next is Elizabeth's blog... i found her through Kristin's blog, and found her comments on writing and wanting to be pulished and life very interesting

the Plotastic blog is interesting... the idea that Mark, the creator, had is to write a first draft of a novel based on plot elements that received the most amount of votes... his site explains it better than i can... next is the link to Paula B's Wrting Show podcast, in case no one listens to podcasts through iTunes... last is the blog of Jamie Sobrato, a published author... i don't know her or anything, but her blog is interesting and talks of her upcoming works

so, that's it, people... enjoy the rest of the week


song: "Change For Me" by Low Level Flight
book: any Winston brothers story by Lori Foster

Friday, July 06, 2007

Sunny week-end alert

well, for all you people experienceing summer and it's going to be sunny, enjoy yourself... if you're not any of those people, well, watch a beach movie and pretend it's sunny out

it's looking like a slow week-end here, haircut tomorrow, nothing on Sunday... hopefully i'll get a chunk of writing done before the essay rush happens mid-next week... i hate it when i have 2 papers due the same week

so, i started on my writing contest submission for the SiWC... i just want to finish the darn thing and submit it... i don't exactly care if i win or get an honorable mention... i just want to send in the little story and have actual authors read it

now, i'm going to try and keep on writing... if i don't, then i'll lose my train of thought, and i'll end up forgetting about it completely


song: "The Grace" by Neverending White Lights
book: "Bet Me" by Jennifer Crusie

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

So many words

ok, peoples, i've been doing a lot of writing recently, and i'm up to 92,672 words, which is about 360 pages double spaced... in November i never thought i'd get this far... well, when i reached 50,000 i hoped i'd end up at 100,000, but it's so within reach right now

party!!!! :D

i'm no quite sure what'd brought on this sudden writing splurge... is splurge the word i want to use here??... but i like it, i just want to write more and more and more... it's just going to suck when i have papers to write and exams to study for

on an even more fun note, i get my tattoo done on the 14th... i'm so excited... sure, it might be painful, but as long as i get it i'll be happy


song: "Low" by Marianas Trench
book: "Jane's Warlord" by Angela Knight

Monday, July 02, 2007

Return from the abyss

ok, i was really down in Seattle... i'm just glad i'm back home... that hotel bed really sucked

i got a bunch of writing done, which was nice... i hope to hit 92,000 words sometime today... i'm starting to like this novel more, which is a good sign... i don't want to write something that sounds like crap

Wendy got to 20,000 words for her script... and i want to read the darn thing so i know what she's been doing for the past month... o well, at least she finished *hugs*

oh, and happy late Canada Day, peoples
