Thursday, August 02, 2007

What to do now?

well, i know what i should be doing... studying for my Tuesday evening exam... barf... not today... or tomorrow... i know, i know, i'm slacking, but come on, who wants to study in the summer

no one, that's who

meanwhile, in the more interesting part of my life... i've submitted something for the SiWC writing contest... i can only hope that they don't hate it... i was writing something, and realized that I couldn't get it finished in time unles i wrote for about a day or two straight... instead, i sent the first chapter of a novel i started last spring, before my grandmother passed away... afterwards, i couldn't really get back into it, i tried to, but it's been sitting around in my Word files unfinished for about a year... i'd be happy if i just got one of those honourable mention thingys

also, there's a new blog in my list to the right, Starting Write Now... it's done by a bunch of different people, blogging about their writing experiences, goals, and writing while dealing with real life... this blog is really interesting, and everyone should stop by it to read it

and hugs to my Jeannie... you deserve everything you want and more, i just wish i could send you those oiled hunks/assistants


books: the Stanislaski books by Nora Roberts
songs: "Alegria" from the Cirque du Soleil show and "Love Song" by Sara Bareilles

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great read thanks for sharing. :)