Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Day twenty eight: A Winner in Winter

yay me, i won at NaNoWriMo

so, everyone can congratulate me or something

on a different note, it's been freakishly cold here, with a total of 43 centimetres of snow falling from Saturday night to early Monday morning... umm, earth to weather, this is B.C., we're not prepared for any amount of snow that's over a couple centimetres... it's the end of November... where's all the rain we should be getting????... it's been so so so cold here, like, minus 10 degrees C, and it's just horrible... i doubt i'll be driving anywhere until a lot of it melts away

it's looking like it'll be better over the next week, with sun and some rain on the week-end... which'll be fun since i'll be driving home on Sunday night, since i'm housesitting for someone right now... at least it's not that cold inside

1 comment:

Wendy said...

CONGRATS!!! So proud of you, you definitely deserved it and you received your just desserts. Yeah for you! Cheers