Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Is that a tumbleweed I see??

ok, i've been thinking here, and i've been wondering if people are actually reading this darn thing or not... sure, i might be boring sometimes, but i'd like people to tell me i'm boring so i know to spice it up a little... this is really making me reconsider my possible podcast

so, tell me people, are you reading this blog at all?? if so, then i'll keep at it... if not, then what's the point??

:0)... well... :0(


Nancy said...

I read them Rylie. While we don't talk I still read your blog :)

Wendy said...

You're boring... happy now? As if! You are never boring... well, I shouldn't say that... I haven't been stuck in an elevator with you for six hours yet, so who knows... maybe you are boring ;)