Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Not just big news... GIANT NEWS!!

there's a writer's conference here in October, and i just saw that i can make an appointment with an editor or agent to plug 'Full Moon Falling'

can i just say OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!????

this is just amazing, and now i'm totally nervous because i'm not sure if i'll be ready, or they'll even like it, or if i should even do it or wait and do it next year so i can get a chance to edit it and re-work some parts and get rid of what i'd call the 'extra crap i might not need'

cripes, now i'm panicking... okay, let's just calm down here *breathing while trying not to hyperventilate*... i think i'm okay now


Sya said...

Cool. You could also look at it as a learning experience about book pitching.

Wendy said...

Breathe already... if you don't breathe you turn blue and I don't know if blue works with your current coloring *squints* maybe, in the right light?