Friday, October 27, 2006

Has the world turned boring on me?

ok, ever since i started this, which was like, 2 or 3 days ago (right??), i've been getting bored... probably cause i didn't want to post here every day and sound completely boring... but i don't really care... so, i'll be putting stuff up here every day, or just when i feel like it... just to give you all something to read every day ;)

i've kept going with my second attempt at a book, and i've realized that i'll have to write it, in the order i want to, then go back over it and add more as i think of it, which sounds weird, but i guess that's what authors call revisons, right??... i wrote 3 whole pages the other day, which is more than i've done in 3 months, so i guess i've fixed my writer's block... right now, my problem is just wanting to write everything that's going around in my head, which just gets me to the end quicker... which is just stupid... damn my creative brain :D... o well... and once i'm done the whole thing (praying it's going to be at least 400 pages when i'm done), i'll have to do the most trying thing of all... finding someone who'll publish the darn thing... i'm shooting to be done by my birthday next year, which gives me 14 months to write another 379 pages... which is pretty much a page a day... i think i can pull it off

now for my location update... basically, the weather sucks... it's cold, cloudy, and really windy... and our holly bush is bright red because of the berries... it looks like X-mas out there instead of Hallowe'en... it's still fairly green out there, so it's not all bad

well, i guess that's it for now... hopefully i can write a bit more on the weekend... i'm hoping for at least 10 pages... go me... and extra love to Nancy *hugs*

song: "Blackout" by Lilix
book: "Parallel Attraction" by Deidre Knight

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